人一接近就縮角落悲鳴 受虐狗「一哭成名」終於找到家
Abused Dog Experiences Kindness and Learns to be Happy Again
去年11月中,羅馬尼亞一處動物收容所救出一條受虐小狗,救援過程中,狗狗誤以為志工要伸手打牠,發出淒厲的恐懼悲鳴,讓人心碎。救援組織把這段影片上傳到狗狗食物募資社團(Food for the dogs from public shelter Breasta-Craiova)中,引起網友共鳴,集體呼籲不要再虐待動物。所幸在救援組織的照顧之下,現在這隻狗狗不但交了狗朋友,也變得開朗親人。
羅馬尼亞的布雷亞斯塔-克拉約瓦動物收容所在去年11月解救一隻受虐小狗,當救援團體的女性工作人員莫妮卡(Monica Mitreanu)伸手要撫摸的時候,牠發出令人揪心的恐懼哀嚎,一度弓起後背、夾住尾巴,全身警戒,甚至作勢想要躲開。但莫妮卡並...沒有放棄,繼續用手溫柔的撫摸牠的耳朵、鼻樑、後背,試圖告訴牠「放心,我們是來救你的。」好幾秒鐘之後,小狗似乎慢慢理解這隻大手沒有要傷害牠,身體才慢慢放鬆。
A story of an abused dog that has been going viral has had an uplifting ending with the dog in question going on to find a loving foster home.
The video showed the dog, who was staying in Breasta shelter in Craiova, Romania, screaming in fear while he was being stroked by a rescuer worker and has been viewed over 31,000 times. The video was first posted by Monica Mitreanu on November 11.
Since the initial heartbreaking video, Mitreanu has posted additional videos, showing the dog, renamed Kayne, enjoying a lot of cuddles and looking like a much happier and cared for mutt.
He was transported to the UK for fostering on December 19.
In a comment on December 21, Kerry Wollacott, who works with a team of rescuers connected with the Breasta shelter, confirmed that Kayne would stay in foster care for the time being until he built up his confidence See More